My father was born May 22, 1897 and he died December 25, 1974. I can remember saying at his funeral, "I wish he could have lived to be 100." When he died I not only lost someone I loved very much, but more important I lost someone who loved me. From my earliest memory of my father, I never for one minute doubted that he loved me. That is a very precious blessing to me. My father was a very quiet man. He talked very little. Guess that was the Indian in him. However, after he died, it was such a surprise to me that someone who was never in the limelight and never atracted attention to himself could leave such a hole in our family with his death. Tears fill my eyes even now as I think of him. Hope all your fathers will have a wonderful Father's Day. Hope you will remember how important it is for your children to know you love them by your actions, by the time you spend with them and by the interest you show in them. Your influence is beyond measure.