This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in Him.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Father Charles Isom Rainer

My father was born May 22, 1897 and he died December 25, 1974. I can remember saying at his funeral, "I wish he could have lived to be 100." When he died I not only lost someone I loved very much, but more important I lost someone who loved me. From my earliest memory of my father, I never for one minute doubted that he loved me. That is a very precious blessing to me. My father was a very quiet man. He talked very little. Guess that was the Indian in him. However, after he died, it was such a surprise to me that someone who was never in the limelight and never atracted attention to himself could leave such a hole in our family with his death. Tears fill my eyes even now as I think of him. Hope all your fathers will have a wonderful Father's Day. Hope you will remember how important it is for your children to know you love them by your actions, by the time you spend with them and by the interest you show in them. Your influence is beyond measure.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! He meant a lot to me as well. I knew Papa Rainer Loved me! I was his "Favorite"...

sara jackson said...

I love you, Ma!! It is important for all the dads to know how important they are to the kids!!

Cheri said...

From the time I was born, until Grandpa died, I had the incredible blessing of living right across the street from him. I always knew every time I walked in Grandma and Grandpa's house, he was glad to see me. He never had to say it, I just knew. How many little girls can say their grandpa was one of their best friends. He loved me and let me know it. I can remember walking down to the river with him, words hardly spoken between us. We'd get back up to my house, I'd go inside and he would head back across the street. How many times we did that routine. As I sit here and think about it, no matter how many, it wasn't enough. Those moments with someone when talking isn't necessary are beautiful and rare. Grandpa let me know that I, just plain old me, was enough. My presence was enough for him. Sounds like Somebody else, doesn't it?
He let me pretend to play tic-tac- toe on his wrinkled neck and it must have irritated him to death when I would feel his baby soft hair. But he never said a word.
I remember watching he and daddy and how they would act with each other. It's like they knew each others thoughts. They had an amazing relationship. Daddy loved him so much and Grandpa knew it. I remember the night Grandpa left his house for the last time. Daddy picked him up out of the bed and carried him to the car like a baby. The love I saw that night between a father and son will stay with me forever.
I loved my grandpa.
Wow! Has our family been blessed or what! Not with perfect people or perfect relationships but with the ability to see the good. To see the love we have for each other and know that love has made us all such better people.
Thanks, Grandpa. I miss you, too.

MJN6 said...

No, Brenda and Cheri, I was his favorite!!! He was a true Grandpa to all of us girls. I never doubted his love for me, as well, no matter how much I aggravated him by flapping his huge elephant ears. He was the best and I loved him very much.

Unknown said...

Don't want to pop your bubbles.....but I was His favorite, Mary Jo & Cheri. Now if you think about it, to have been the kind of grandpa that made each one of us think we were his favorite tells us what a great heart he had underneath that sometimes hard outer shell. I only hope I God will give me the ability to be that kind of Mom and Grandma!